Bioabsorbable Braiding


Steeger braiders can run at higher speeds with less time-consuming wire breaks than our competitors. Our machines provide a platform for the customization our customers need in connection with their high tech and demanding applications. Biogeneral uses a 96 carrier machine to braid fibers as small as 0.0006” diameter. They have 30+ years of experience […]

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Catheter Lamination Coming Out Hot!

Machine Solutions Catheter Lamination Production

The customer response to our new Vertical Laminator is incredible. We bet you can’t count how many laminators are on our manufacturing floor in this image. Learn why our lamination machine is the best in the market and read our Performance Testing Results here: #machinesolutions #msi #catherterlamination #verticallaminator

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Vertical Lamination Temperature Stability & Repeatability

Vertical Lamination Temperature Stability & Repeatability Current state: Rudimentary and legacy market heating methods with larger windows of variability have been accepted to accomplish basic lamination needs for catheter manufacturing. As the industry grows, material and designs become more complex, along with increased requirements for process and equipment validation, higher precision controls are required. In response to the industry demand for [...]

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