
Laser Bonding / Welding

Laser Bonding / Welding
Posted December 18th, 2020 in

Connect plastic tubing utilizing an air-cooled CO2 laser with closed loop controller/stabilizer. Applications include proximal/distal balloon bonds, soft tip attachment and other catheter/tube bonding processes.

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Balloon Forming

Balloon Forming
Posted December 18th, 2020 in

Balloon blowing machines utilize electrically heated stretch blow molding process to enable the production of various very accurate and repeatable high-quality balloons with tight tolerances in an extensive variety of sizes and shapes.

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Tube Cutting

Tube Cutting
Posted December 18th, 2020 in

Tube Cutting Machines automatically cut plastic tubes with small wall thickness to desired length. This equipment is suitable for high cutting volumes of discrete length tubing or from a spool.

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